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Max Wigley
Anticopyright 2007
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Anarcho-Syndicalism is the idea that workers in factory like environments can exist without any managers or bosses telling them what to do. Instead of taking orders from leaders the workers function as an Anarchist collective and own what they produce. Anarcho-Syndicalism is a direct way for workers to introduce Anarchist principles to everyday life, showing other workers that they can directly own what they produce and still be productive without bosses or superiors.
Anarcho-Syndicalism differs from regular syndicalism and trades unions in that trade unions only want improved working conditions and are represented as a whole by a few representatives. In an Anarcho-Syndicalist workplace workers collectively decide on their working conditions and quota by reaching a common consensus between all the workers. Unlike in a trade union situation workers in an Anarcho-Syndicalist workplace are free to leave or join the union as they please and no one is shut out. In regular Syndicalsim (the same as Trade Unionism) workers strive for working class unity and currency is work value instead of money. Syndicalists aren't very interested in changes in government besides laws and systems that directly benefit Syndicalism.
Anarcho-Syndicalism is an important Anarchist strategy because it takes a capitalist environment and turns into a self-reliant anarchist collective while still being able to compete with other companies in a capitalist market. The best example of Anarcho-Syndicalism in action was the Spanish Confederacio`n Nacional del Trabajo (the CNT). The CNT were one of the only Syndicalist organizations to directly identify with Anarchism. and played an important role in the spanish civil war of 1936, by helping organize general strikes and promoted working class unity, as well as Anarchist ideals.